Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
Law has been studied at Cambridge since the 13th century. Today, the Faculty has more than 70 teaching staff. They include specialists in almost every aspect of English law and its history, the laws of other countries (especially European), European Community law, public and private international law, Roman law, legal philosophy, commercial and corporate law, and criminology. The student body is one of the largest of any law school in the United Kingdom. Graduates from the Faculty are prominent in academic life, in the judiciary, and in both branches of the legal profession.
Cambridge Judge Business School
Cambridge Judge is a modern business school, located at the heart of an 800-year-old University. It hosts one of the largest concentrations of interdisciplinary business and management research activity in Europe. It is internationally recognised as one of the leading providers of innovative and intellectually challenging business management education across a portfolio of undergraduate, graduate and executive programmes.
Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (3CL)
The Centre is a focal point for members of the Faculty of Law with research interests in the fields of corporate law and commercial law, and in related areas including corporate governance, corporate finance, commercial equity, insurance law, restitution, international commercial litigation and insolvency. The 3CL organises conferences, seminars and other events to disseminate research and to foster dialogue on emerging and controversial topics in these fields.
Visit the Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (3CL) website >
Centre for Risk Studies (CRS)
The Centre for Risk Studies is a multidisciplinary centre of excellence for the study of the management of economic and societal risks. The Centre’s focus is in the analysis, assessment, and mitigation of global vulnerabilities for the advancement of political, business and individual decision-makers.